Friday, August 27, 2010

Fighting for Food at a Playhouse in Florence

Published by Blending Magazine and Trazzler

First-time diners at Teatro del Sale be warned: pace yourself. I received the same piece of advice on my first night at the restaurant but promptly ignored it when I saw the platters of antipasti spread across a big table, surrounded by locals clamoring for a taste. Beans, hummus, salads, polenta with a hint of cinnamon and warm focaccia are only the beginning of the delicious home-cooked buffet. Every few minutes, a chef leans out the kitchen window, ringing a bell and shouting in Italian the names of the next courses- meatballs, pasta bolognese, chicken and roasted potatoes.

After the guests consume as much of the half dozen courses as they can, drink a few glasses of wine and top off their meals with espresso and chocolate tart, the wood-paneled dining room transforms into a theater. The night I attended, we enjoyed an hour and a half of Simon and Garfunkel, Cat Stevens and Bob Dylan, courtesy of an Italian cover band. For 30 Euro (plus a 5 Euro membership fee), Teatro del Sale guests get the whole package: unlimited food, great entertainment and a fun, cultural experience.

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